About Unitarianism
We are a growing friendly congregation, with a long history, where you are assured of a warm welcome.
For a list of upcoming services please click here.
The congregation comes together to meet a variety of spiritual needs.
Some of the members are liberal Christians, some are humanists, some are pagan, whilst others are agnostic.
Yet, despite the diversity of views, all come together to share in services in an atmosphere of freedom and tolerance.
It is the Unitarian experience that common values, found in a bond of unity, speak for more than narrow creed or binding dogma.
We stand on the side of Love!
Our congregation has voted overwhelmingly to endorse same-sex marriage and was the first chapel in the City of Southampton to officiate a same sex wedding!
If you would like to have a wedding officiated at our church, either same-sex or not, please check out the details of the services we offer here and then please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Ours is a creed-less faith.
We are a compassionate and inclusive community encompassing diverse spiritual paths.
Our purpose is to help people meet their spiritual needs while promoting social justice.
So who are the Unitarians?
The Unitarians are a spiritual community who encourage you to think for yourself
They believe that
- everyone has the right to seek truth and meaning for themselves
- the fundamental tools for doing this are your own life-experience, your reflection upon it your intuitive understanding and the promptings of your own conscience
- the best setting for this is a community that welcomes you for what you are - beliefs, doubts, questions and all!
They can be called 'religious liberals'
- religious because they unite to celebrate and affirm values that embrace and reflect a greater reality than the self
- liberal because they claim no exclusive revelation, or status for themselves; because they afford respect and toleration to those who follow different paths of faith.
They are called 'Unitarians'
- because of their traditional insistence that on divine unity, the oneness of God
- because they affirm the essential unity of humankind and of creation.
For more information on Unitarianism you can click here.